Premature Hair greying and Hair loss
Early shedding of hair and grey hair concerns are growing day by day. It might
happen that people ask if there is a link between both of these.
There can be multiple factors because of which both can occur together,
however it is not always necessary to link them both if the cause is uncertain.
Following are the factors because of which early greying and thinning of hair
might occur,
1) Hereditary factor – Unfortunately however hard you might try with your
lifestyle to be better than your ancestors, to be away from this situation to
occur. Heredity or genes play a pivotal role in many of the conditions. If
your grandparents have the issue of premature greying or hair fall/ loss
you might get the same issue at early age.
2) Hormonal imbalance – Now a days due to tremendous change in lifestyle
our hormones and metabolism is affected because of which we invite
many of the disorders. Hypothyroidism, PCOS, diabetes, obesity,
infertility all such conditions contribute to hair thinning and greying.
3) Prolonged illness or disease – In case you have undergone a prolonged
disease condition, high grade fever, chemotherapy or radiation in case of
cancer which is directly linked to hair loss.
4) Stress and anxiety – when in a stressed condition there is a storm inside
our body which is actually combating and adapting to the environment. In
such condition all the non – essential factors are kept at bay or given less
importance. Hence, hair loss or greying starts as it is the least essential
part according to our body, to survive.
5) Low in Vitamins and nutrients – If you are deficient in essential nutrients
required for bone and hair health such as Vit B12, D3, proteins, zinc,
magnesium, selenium, biotin etc. you are ought to experience such
6) Diet and gut health – In case your gut health is compromised due to IBS,
SIBO, constipation, constant bloating, fatty liver, acidity. The scope for
proper absorption of nutrients is limited. Also if improper intake of food
stuffs which doesn’t contain high quality of nutrients, limiting oneself to
junk and packaged foods only can also hamper the proper supply of
essential vitamins, proteins to the hair.
There are several ways through which we can reverse the condition by
adopting the correct lifestyle choices according to the individual. Ayurveda
also helps and reduces the chances of hair fall and greying through usage of
Ayurvedic rejuvenating drugs and therapeutic procedures.