An overlook on hormonal imbalance in women
Hormones are a complex and difficult topic, but the wisdom of Ayurveda gives a balanced and
wise approach to wholeness that helps to make it easier to understand hormones. However, the
first inquiry we encounter is “What are hormones?”Hormones are chemical messengers, secreted
into your blood, and carried to organs and tissues of the body to exert their functions. There are
many types of hormones that act on different bodily functions and processes.
1) Development and growth such as thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and bodily
2) Sex hormones: estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, FSH, LH.
3) Stress hormones: adrenaline, cortisol & DHEA which in turn affect insulin? &
Biological processes like digestion, respiration, tissue function, metabolism, sensory perception,
excretion, sleep, stress, growth and development, movement, reproduction, and mood are all
influenced by hormones, which operate as messengers between organs and tissues.
According to contemporary science, when our hormones are out of balance,
we start noticing such symptoms
1) Fatigue
2) Hair loss & thinning
3) Hard to lose weight
4) Feeling cold
5) Dry skin
6) Blood sugar issues
7) Craving carbs
8) Unwanted hair growth
9) Bloating
10) Difficulty sleeping
11) Brain fog
12) Excess belly fat
13) Constipation
14) Irregular periods
15) Painful or heavy periods
16) Low libido
17) Acne
18) PMS
19) Headaches
Stress is the most prevalent factor in hormonal imbalance. We have been overworked and under
supported as a whole. We’re expected to juggle a career, a family, a home, exercise, maintain a
good appearance, and maintain a social life. And even though it is obvious that we can
accomplish it all.
Toxins in our environment and in the food we eat are two more significant causes. Women apply
168 chemicals to their bodies on average per day, thus it is not surprising that thyroid disease
affects them more frequently than men.
Some common causes of hormonal imbalance
1) Stress
2) Caffeine & stimulants
3) Alcohol & MJ
4) Gut imbalance
5) Nutrient deficiencies
6) Excess exercise
7) Too much screen time
8) Personal care products
9) Fragrance
10) Thyroid imbalance
11) Liver dysfunction
12) Prescription meds
13) Blood sugar issues
14) Lack of rest
15) On the go lifestyle
16) Unprocessed trauma
17) Environmental toxins
18) BPA and plastics
As these are the contributing factors for hormone disruption many women are unknown of these
common factors. Inadvertently we are causing harm to our body and mind. Especially, women
who are prone to so many of the chemicals and stressors in everyday life.
Ayurveda approach: Upon knowing all the factors responsible for the imbalance of
hormone it cause vitiation of all the three dosha. Ayurveda opines to cleans and restore the
balance with various regimens and herbs. Balance, naturally! We begin by comprehending the
prakriti (mind-body composition) and vikriti (state of imbalance) of the particular person. From
there, we start to re-establish our connection to the earth’s natural rhythm of rest, awakening,
movement, and mindful eating. We support the elimination of wastes and harmful accumulation
while enhancing digestion, or agni. With a balanced diet that is suitable for constitution and
season, we nourish the body. We incorporate pleasure and joy, and this is incredibly important,
through routines, rituals, and connection.