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SCIENTIFIC NAME:  Momordica charantin




ENGLISH NAME: Bittergourd


FAMILY: Cucurbitaceae




Bittergourd is tridoshic & thus helps to balance vata, kapha, and pitta. According to Ayurveda, it has a bitter taste and the unique ability to penetrate deep into the fat, blood, and nervous system, providing a great cleansing from within thus aiding in help i improving digestion, increasing metabolism, and contributing to the overall health 


  • Maintains blood sugar levels.
  • Potent blood purifier
  • Has anti-arthritic action
  • Helps to control LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Improves immunity
  • Beneficial to eye health because it is high in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene.
  • Boosts liver functioning
  • Improves digestive health


  • If consumed in large quantities, bitter gourd can cause severe stomach pain and diarrhoea.
  • Avoid it during the first few months of pregnancy because it may cause vaginal bleeding and abortion.
  • Consult your doctor if you are taking a high dose of diabetic medication, as it can interfere with the medication and cause low blood sugars.


  • Consume 5-10 mL of fruit juice twice daily to relieve indigestion and loss of appetite.
  • If you have diabetes, include 2-3 gm. powder of seeds with water twice a day in your diet.
  • Consume 5-10 mL of juice every morning on an empty stomach to cure skin diseases such as acne.
  • To treat intestinal worms, drink 10 mL of jaggery juice in the morning for three days.