SCIENTIFIC NAME: Adhatoda vasica


HINDI NAME: Vasaka, Vasa


ENGLISH NAME: Malabar nut


FAMILY: Acanthaceae


Vasaka has a strong flavour coolant herb mostly known for its revitalising properties for the respiratory system functioning. All the five parts are used in medicinal aspects, hence used as Adusa panchang. Vasaka has a variety of bioactive components that serve to balance the Pitta and Kapha doshas and efficiently eliminate toxin-producing accumulated doshas from the body. The dominating taste in this plant is bitter and astringent Rasa, with light and dry qualities and cold potency.


  • Improves cough and cold symptoms
  • Aids in functioning of gut health
  • Blood purifier
  • Antimicrobial action
  • Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory property
  • Useful in high urea and other nitrogenous waste levels in the blood


  • Before using it during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you have a chronic ailment, or are on any medication, you should always consult a doctor.
  • People with diabetes, use it cautiously, under expert supervision.


  • To prevent respiratory infections, make a decoction of Vasaka leaves by boiling them in water with a scoop of honey and drinking it regularly.
  • The suggested dosage of vasaka useable components is 1-3 gm Vasaka leaf powder; 5-10 ml Vasaka fresh leaf juice and 5 gms powder in a glass of warm water for leaf decoction or as advised by the expert.
  • Crushed leaves are used to treat Amavata, skin problems, and skin worms.