SCIENTIFIC NAME: Terminalia berecilla

FAMILY: Combretaceae


 The Ayurvedic literature cites Bibhitaki's properties as curing sickness, granting longevity, and enhancing intellectual prowess and strength. All components of the tree, particularly the dried fruit, are utilised for medicinal purposes. Bibhithaki's fruits have a bitter and sour flavour. Bibhitaki possesses tannins, ellagic acid, gallic acid, lignans, and flavonoids, among other potent plant chemicals.



  • Rasayana effect.
  • Has anti-ageing properties.
  • It is useful for respiratory infections.
  • Aids in digesting
  • Laxative, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory qualities
  • It benefits all tissues, including the lungs, bone marrow, brain, and neurological system. 
  • It has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and to have anti-depressant properties.
  • Its anti-inflammatory qualities have been shown to benefit diabetics.



  1. Strictly avoid if you have hyperacidity or gastritis as it has high hot potency, which may aggravate certain problems.
  2. If Lactating or pregnant, it is typically best to avoid taking Bibhithaki.



  • Taking Bibhithaki powder with honey relieves cough & cold.
  • Massage Baheda powder and rose water combined with coconut oil into the hair and scalp to encourage hair growth and reduce dandruff.
  • To cure indigestive issues, take ½-1 tsp of Bibhithaki powder & swallow it with warm water at night before sleeping.
  • Take ½-1 tsp of Bibhithaki powder with mild hot water after taking lunch and dinner to keep obesity in check.
  • Control acne by applying Baheda fruit powder to the face with rose water.